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DCR-CORE - Development - Continuous Delivery

GitHub (Pre-)Release GitHub (Pre-)Release Date

The GitHub Actions are used to enforce the following good practices of the software engineering process in the CI/CD process:

  • uniform formatting of all source code,
  • static source code analysis,
  • execution of the software testing framework, and
  • creation of up-to-date user documentation.

The action standards in the GitHub Actions guarantees compliance with the required standards, the action test_production ensures error-free compilation for production use and the action test_development runs the tests against various operating system and Python versions. The actions test_development and test_production must be able to run error-free on operating system Ubuntu and with Python version 3.10, the action standards is only required error-free for the latest versions of Ubuntu and Python.

The individual steps to be carried out

  1. in the action standards are:

    1. set up Python, pip and pipenv
    2. install the development specific packages with pipenv
    3. compile the Python code
    4. format the code with isort, Black and docformatter
    5. lint the code with Bandit, Flake8, Mypy and Pylint
    6. check the API docs with pydocstyle
    7. create and upload the user docs with Pydoc-Markdown and Mkdocs
    8. install Pandoc, Poppler, Tesseract OCR and TeX Live
    9. publish the code coverage results to
  2. in the action test_development are:

    1. set up Python, pip and pipenv
    2. install the development specific packages with pipenv
    3. compile the Python code
    4. install Pandoc, Poppler, Tesseract OCR and TeX Live
    5. run pytest for writing better program
  3. in the action test_production are:

    1. set up Python, pip and pipenv
    2. install the production specific packages with pipenv
    3. compile the Python code
    4. install Pandoc, Poppler, Tesseract OCR and TeX Live
    5. run pytest for writing better program